“Because it’s you”: A Master Deceiver
Most of us have at least once in our lives been a in situation where we were cheated in
a business deal or cheated off an opportunity. Most of us have been used and mistreated in our relationships. We've mostly been sold dreams that remained what they were - mere dreams.
There's this crazy fact about human relationships and interactions... There's always a leech between us. Most at times, we're the leeches. There's a lot of people who have PhDs in manipulation. They are masters of subterfuge. It's like they were creating with a baptism of trickery. They exist and they are the ones you don't think can hurt, but they stab you - not in the back, they come upfront, put the knife and twist it it. Our modern day Brutuses...
I always wonder if Lawyers and Merchants will make heaven. Because their trades consist of them being impeccable liars. They've mastered it so well, such that sometimes, it's difficult to differentiate the man from his trade. So, we're left in much doubt most of the times that even when they're truthful, we don't believe.
There's this lie that circulates amongst clients and lovers that almost breaks my heart (PS: my heart is already broken - it can't be broken further.) The "Because it is you" line. This is basically a scam.
The only way to get duped is through someone who knows you. That's why it's arduous for conmen to scam total off their money. This line has been so much employed by Sentimental Conmen of the present. It is simple as that... Because I know you, and I love you, I can't dupe or hurt you. Funny thing is that it's those you love the most that hurt you the most.
What's my point? Well. This was meant to be very short. The next time you meet someone you know who's selling something you want and he feed you this line, know that you're about to get robbed. The next time your partner tells you that it's because it's you, there's a high probability that he doesn't even know what he's talking about.
People who know you will use this sweet line in order to take you off your guard and once you're no longer paying attention, they'll rob you.
Always remember this... "Because it's you" is a Master deceiver.