Daily Diary
October 31st
Dear Diary,
October was a month of doubt, anguish and despair. In the midst of it all, I found that tiny flickering light at the end of the tunnel and I am learning how to fan up the flames so they don’t go off. With everything that has happened recently, it has made me understand that I need to always be ready because the best or worst moments of my life might happen at any given time. So all I can do is brace for impact.
Yesterday, I had a very tiring and almost unproductive day. Some people always pray for months to come to an end. I really don’t believe that months or weeks have some special powers of good or evil that might influence your life in one way or the other. But if November could bring better tidings, I might join that school of thought. If November could bring better smiles, why not? If November could bring sweeter memories, then yes! All is said and I keep on hoping for the best but expecting the worst.
I lost myself to the pain inside
And every other thing became vile
My prayer for you dear child
Is to never feel this void inside
Dear Diary, keep my thoughts as secret as news can be…