Daily Diary
July 4th
Dear Diary,
I was a bit upset today. There was a power outage for more than 36 hours. I couldn’t work and also couldn’t reply important mails. During this period, I pondered on how technology has its toll on us. I’ve noticed that I’m quite unhappy when two services are absent — electricity and reliable internet. I even get anxious and terribly disturbed. Though I’ve been trying to outgrow this feeling, it’s not easy. And I also don’t understand why we let technology have such a nefast influence on us.
I will join the world to chorus “I hate Mondays” — but not for the same reasons as them. I hate mondays because everybody seems to be so busy and I have almost nothing on my plate. I know I said I hate these busy cycles of life. But when they become idle, they become worse. You can guess right — my Monday was dull.
Why do men cheat? I don’t know. And I don’t care.
Why do women cheat? I don’t know. And I don’t care.
Are there good people out there? Are there people with genuine intentions? This society keeps frightening as I hopelessly(or hopefully) look forward and pray for my own version of a fairytale ending — a happy ever after story. So when I see these divorce stories or these stories about cheating and gender based violence, I wonder if there are any good seeds out there. But most importantly, I question myself — “Are you a good seed?”
Dear Diary, keep my thoughts as secret as news can be…