Daily Diary
July 28th
Dear Diary,
I’ve been having my worst week in recent times. My power bank got bad and even my phone has stopped charging. I guess this is what they meant when they said sorrows come in battalions. But the surprising thing is how I’m trying not to let these things get to my skin. I guess that’s what happens when you grow older? They often say in French qui vivra, vera and I am patiently waiting to see what the future has in store for me.
And despite all the week’s wahala, it’s been awesome and today was my bestie’s birthday. So in the dark cloud that this week has been, I had not only 1 silver linen, but 2. My bestie is plus 1 and I am grateful to have her in my life. And then, my everyday blessing, which is my new favorite person.
Was chocolate originally meant to be mixed with vegetable oil? If so, then we missed an example on complementary goods. Why is the chocolate bucket never filled to the brim? And why is the paste always so thick? And as the years go by, I start to doubt if I really love chocolate paste as much as I used to rate it. I am beginning to think I prefer butter. But I love the mixture of both in my batter.
Tonight, I sleep with a burdened spirit and a frustrated mind. But strangely, I believe things will be better. So if I wake and the day is still gloomy, I will assume I’m just in a bad dream.
Dear Diary, keep my thoughts as secret as news can be…