Daily Diary
October 27th
Dear Diary,
They always say that the only constant thing in life is change but I think hope is also one of the things that are constant. Because it is the hope that there will be a change that keeps us going even when all seems to be lost. And so, though we falter in our daily tasks and endeavors and goals, we keep looking for tiny ways to get better — because it is one step at a time. So we revel in the present wins while looking for bigger ones that might or might not come. But one thing remains clear to us — we need to keep doing something — inertia.
Yesterday, I felt some new sense of pride and euphoria. Why? Because I finished most of the tasks on my to-do list. Learning how to take one step at a time has been a very difficult lesson for me. Even as grown up as I am, I still suffer with indecision, confusion and procrastination. But I am growing to understand that it is better to do less effectively than to do many ineffective jobs.
In the new book
He wrote a lot
But first and foremost,
He wrote:
Dear Diary, keep my thoughts as secret as news can be…