Daily Diary
November 17th
Dear Diary,
It’s been 2 weeks since I wrote you and if you ask me why, I’d say I’m a bit lazy and frustrated. A day ago, my friend told me that he had travelled abroad and he was hoping that I’d be mad at him because he didn’t tell me. I should normally be mad because we are pretty close. But if he didn’t tell me, it means we’re probably not as close as I thought. And why should I be mad even? This last quarter of the year has been teaching me to control my reaction to situations and though I am still an amateur of the art, I am better than I used to be. The best I can be is to become stoic.
Life isn’t going as I had expected. I didn’t plan anything but I was hoping that it’ll be better than it is presently. With every new day comes the realization of the weight of adulthood — you now have the obligation of figuring things out by yourself. That’s a bit fucked up. No — it’s totally fucked up. Why can’t our parents take care of us until we think it necessary for them to stop? After all, it was their idea to bring us into this world. And it is for this reason that I need to be financially ready to marry and bring forth children into this difficult world.
We are rowing I’m circles
On these waters that seem
Troubled today and calm tomorrow.
We are lost deep in desire
And thoughts of what should’ve been.
So don’t mock us if we lose our way once again
The journey didn’t require a map.
Dear Diary, keep my thoughts as secret as news can be…