Daily Diary
July 30th & 31st
Dear Diary,
Isn’t it ironic that we thank God for life when our goal is to go to his kingdom? Are the lucky ones those who survive or those who die? Because after all, we feel blessed or special because we are still alive. What if God calls those he really loves and leaves us here until we are deserving of his love?
Yesterday, my mom went to bury the 10 year old daughter of her friend and it could only bring back memories of youth when we lost our classmates and friends. I try to imagine the trauma these young children will go through as they look forward to meeting their friend who is no more. But they are young and free and they might forget about it in days. You might think that children don’t have good memories, but I think they just decide to forgive, live on and look at the bright side. In the darkness that this life often drowns us, we need these beautiful creatures to make our days, and we need to learn a lot of things from them.
And since we are seizing the day, we did seize it yesterday and once again reiterating that so much less is needed in order to be happy. It was a day filled with laughs and a lot of photos with my new favorite person and one of her favorite persons. It was a tiring day but I loved every moment of it. And I crowned the day with some of my favorite things — pork and D’jino.
Today is the last day of the month of July and I am happy to say that I have successfully journalled some or most of what happened in my July. In a few months(if I am not lazy), I might come back to them and it might be fulfilling and a beautiful reminiscence. 2 years ago, I decided to write 31 articles for 31 days during the month of July. It seems July has a soecial.place in my heart? Maybe. Because this July came with good news and the start of an amazing journey.
Remember the priest I told you that he preaches well but always somehow makes the sermons to end with money? Yes, that one. He did it again today. His sermons must always come back.to asking us to give to the church. Today would’ve been an exception since the readings were preaching against greed and avarice — but, no! Either way, I love it when he preaches. He is very witty and cognizant. But… As soon as he digresses to money issues, I stop listening.
Isn’t it good to go to church on Sunday? I think the only difference between us and those who don’t fellowship, should be our actions. As those who hear the word, preach it and are supposed to constantly practice it, it is necessary for us to walk the talk. Easier said than done right? Welcome to my world. I find that most of the people who don’t have fellowship even have nicer hearts than us who do. What to do? Maybe it’s because of the way we are that they prefer not to fellowship?
Today was cold — perfect weather for two. But here I am. Far from my babe and colder. Well… These days exist to make us miss the days when we are with our partners and genuinely feel happy.
July was a mixture of sweet, sour and bitter but the best thing that happened in July was getting closure. No. It was(and still is) this love I am living. And with each new day, I thank God for sending my new favorite person down my path.
Dear Diary, keep my thoughts as secret as news can be…