Daily Diary
Dear Diary,
Yaounde Taximen and traffic teach you a different level of tolerance and composure. Yesterday I said “Truly there is hope in dreaming” went to bed and woke up with bigger dreams than the night before. So I started my day with the utmost enthusiasm I’ve had in a while. Given that SeptEmber was a bad month, I don’t know where this energy and excitement came from this morning but I felt kind of REVIVED. Yaounde feels like the land of milk and honey America is supposed to be. So I’m learning how to milk the cow.
The sun has shown its face today
And surprisingly, I’m gay.
So I write off yesterday’s frailties as moments of weakness
I am yet to embrace this newfound prowess.
Depression has gone to hide
I welcome the sunshine
As it radiates my life.
As I always say
I am a masterpiece
And a work in progress.
Dear Diary, keep my thoughts as secret as news can be…