Daily Diary
From AUGUST 28th
Dear Diary,
It’s crazy how much you learn on the world wide web. With the amount of time I spend online, the learning never ends expression just keeps on making more sense.
Isn’t it weird how humans easily transfer aggression? Happened to me recently. Happens to the best of us. We easily take the anger or depression that was meant for one person or thing to another. It happens so often that it has become the norm. It’s difficult not to transfer aggression or moods. It’s same with your joy — when you’re happy, you want the whole world or those beside you to know and you don’t only tell them, but you show them and also make them a part of it. So it’s near impossible for it not to work with the other moods.
August was a bad month — instead of writing daily diaries, I ended up writing weekly diaries and even bimonthly ones. Procrastination is the one foe I have never learnt to defeat. But I keep trying. The French man will say tant qu’il y a la vie, nous sommes libres d’espérer. So I am writing this down, as a covenant with myself to be better, to do better.
Dear Diary, keep my thoughts as secret as news can be.