Daily Diary
October 8th
Dear Diary,
People have never been able to distinguish between friends, acquaintances et al. The main cause of most deceptions resulting from friendships is because we are often too quick to label someone as a friend and then we don’t act like a friend and expect them to act like one, or we do and expect them to act like one, which they don’t do. Most people have said that entitlement and expectation bring about disappointments — if you expect nothing, you won’t be disappointed. But for me, that is a flawed way to view human relationships because as a friend I expect some level of honesty and loyalty from my friends — something I should be willing to give too. The only reason why we don’t expect these things is because we don’t think of our relationship with those people as good enough to be rated as friendship.
There she stood
Sending out her hand.
The more I tried to reach it, the farther it was.
There she stood
Smiling at me
The more I watched her, the scarier she became.
There she stood
Calling my name
The more I listened to her, the dumber I became.
Dear Diary, keep my thoughts as secret as news can be…