Daily Diary
July 17th & 18th
Dear Diary,
Do you ever feel uncomfortable when you have to use the toilet as a visitor in somebody’s house? I mean, like defecating at your host’s place? Or how embarrassing is it to Gary in the presence of others? It must’ve been by mistake but the fact remains that the farting taints your paper image for life. But are there any toilets for farts?
As a child, I had been embarrassed a few times — when I was 11, I fell in a puddle of mud in front of the school. At 8, I peed on my body in class. At 9, I was refused food at a Birthday party in my neighborhood. These events made me understand that there is nothing as important as safeguarding oneself in front of others.
Have you ever been in love? If not, then I’m really sorry for you. Love is the primordial thing of life and having one that is reciprocated is quintessential. But as pretentious as we are, we pretend not to want it. We even claim to hate it. I think most people are just mad because of the lack of love or the want of it.
But like I told my new favorite person, we all have what we need. If your mind keeps saying the worst about the most intricate and intimate things, you are bound to get close to the worst you’ve been thinking and preaching of.
I might also reiterate here that sex is greatly overrated. Intimacy in relationships has been vulgarised to sex only. What about the long soul searching and intellectual conversations? What about the bonds created through gossiping and idly cuddling? It’s like going to church only because of the communion.
Sometimes, because everyone is doing it, it might make sense. But when you decide to take out time and be the difference, it makes all the difference.
It shall be hard but I’m aware that the bandwagon was never for me because as you must’ve already heard, I find normal to be excessively boring.
Dear Diary, keep my thoughts as secret as news can be…