Daily Diary
July 13th & 14th
Dear Diary,
I know it’s common practice to be all hyped up and enthusiastic about life. To constantly bask in the illusion of a perfectly aligned life your optimism has fabricated for you. I know that you become positive to the fanatical level. But what happens when you don’t get what you want, need or deserve despite all the praying, hoping, wishing and waiting? Don’t you break for a tiny fragment of time? Sometimes, things just don’t work out.
You surely must have heard that extreme high or low energies aren’t good. That’s true. Imagine the repercussion of a negative response to an overly positive action or expectation. How do we therefore control ourselves and our thoughts to not traverse the boundary between expectation and hallucination? Because most of the time, it feels like we just set ourselves up for disappointment.
Today, I woke to the smell of my new favorite person and I smiled at the memories of the times we’ve spent — and also, to all the future possibilities. There are a lot of experiences we are going to live — many feelings we are going to feel. I have a song I play whenever I think of her — Cupid’s Chokehold by Gym Class Heroes and Patrick Stump. I am even listening to it while writing this.
Does it ever occur to you how therapeutic doing the dishes and cooking can be? Of all the chores ever invented, I really hate doing laundry. But as much as I hate chores, they help me relax and they are some sort of undefeated muse. I don’t understand why most people don’t eat their own food immediately after cooking.
Do you get goosebumps and shivers whenever you are with or speak with your favorite person or am I just in a world of my own? And do you believe love conquers all? And lastly, do you even have a favorite person? When you don’t have someone you are anxious to narrate all what happens to you to, life really doesn’t feel right. I mean, we all need that one person we think of immediately something happens.
It feels good when you spend hours in the kitchen and when you’re done, those who eat your food find it delicious. If not, it’ll be time wasted and no work done. It doesn’t matter if work is done if the work turns out mediocre. With this, we should always strive to put in the best in the little things we do, especially when it’s for others or for a greater cause. And I believe that cooking should be top priority because as you must have heard, a hungry man is an angry man.
My new favorite person asked me why I keep talking about her and making everyone know that I like her and I told her that I love showing off the things that I like. I understand that people love to live these good times en cachette because of how society is — after all, people spoil beautiful things. And maybe I should stop over publicizing these things that mean a lot to me. WHAT DO YOU THINK?
Dear Diary, keep my thoughts as secret as news can be…