Daily Diary
October 25th
Dear Diary,
Yesterday was my new favorite person’s birthday and though we are no longer together, I still wish her well. I still pray for her. And besides the anger and desolation, I still hope she can be genuinely happy. I am not yet happy but I am on a path that leads to it. But maybe I am doing it wrong — happiness is not to be searched but discovered. After all, it is I who said that I am liking the journey more than the destination. What if happiness is in the present and I am too busy focusing on the future? Maybe I should take my own advice — you never can be too careful.
Taking my own advice means being ready to try and possibly fail in love, in life and in every other endeavor. But rising up every single time, though it seems like people prefer to invest their time and energy in every other thing that could possibly make them complete except that one thing that makes them complete in the end.
The storyteller is tired
Bruised with fatigue and chagrin,
If the heavens could grant his one wish
And make this page a blank slate.
Dear Diary, keep my thoughts as secret as news can be…