Daily Diary
November 2nd
Dear Diary,
It’s been a hard day because I’ve been battling with headaches and other emotional trauma. I might fall sick one of these days. Today is the feast of all souls and like I always say, I feel bad for forgetting those loved ones who were so close to us. It feels like betrayal because the unfailing love we had for them has failed us and we can’t even remember them these days. We can’t even say a prayer for them and even sometimes forget they ever existed.
November is a sad month for me — I lost my mom and my aunt(who was my favorite person in the whole world) on this month. My aunt died on the day that is supposed to be my sister’s birthday(my favorite person) and with this, I learned to understand that sometimes, we are too busy crying over what we lost or what we don’t have, that we don’t appreciate what’s right in front on us. For this November and for every other November, I’ll mourn and celebrate. Truly, God works in mysterious ways.
So I wrote her a letter
And in it laid the words -
“I know I said I’d wait,
But you don’t want to be waited upon.
So it’s time to say goodbye
It was heaven for a while”
Dear Diary, keep my thoughts as secret as news can be…