Daily Diary
October 24th
Dear Diary,
Isn’t it funny how we just shuffle and shuffle and reshuffle people, activities, music, movies, etc? We go for months or even years without talking to people who were once our best friends and after all these years, they suddenly become our best friends again. Same applies to activities and hobbies. How is it easy for humankind to adapt to the unavailability of a person or thing and quickly swap into the needing them phase when they show up later on? So we shuffle our loved ones when we get bored and in a few weeks or months or years, they become interesting again. Very few people actually move into new circles — it’s a vicious cycle.
Today, I had a busy day — I’d even say it was productive but unsatisfying. The outcome of unplanned activities/work can hardly be as satisfying as finishing a task or two on your to do list. I am still struggling with waking up at 5 a.m. and I don’t know if I am cursed or if I am just too lazy but all I know is that I am missing out on the future that belongs to those who wake up early in the morning.
The first shall be the last
Everything will pass, alas!
But maybe the last will never be first
Just too sluggish to ever be the best.
Dear Diary, keep my thoughts as secret as news can be…