Daily Diary
October 5th
Dear Diary,
The same things that turn you on in one person can turn you off in the next. Human nature is so complex and constantly fluctuating. Asa said in “Subway” — “My mama said ‘Baby be careful if anybody comes to say I love you’” And it’s becoming clearer that it is your sole obligation to.protect yourself and your heart — for if you don’t, you shall suffer.
After a somber September, October is proving optimistic and I am happy taking one day at a time. Life is hard but the hope feels like the light at the end of the tunnel. Surely one day, we will reach there. And if we don’t, we’ll have the satisfaction of having dreamt or dared to dream for something better and bigger.
To the stars that make the skies bright
Listen to the wishes of my heart
Even though you aren’t falling or shooting.
As I stare into the night
I want to believe that your light
Can change my life.
So my heart beats
And if you listen
You know what I yearn for.
Dear Diary, keep my thoughts as secret as news can be…