Does the end justify the means?
Heroic as it may seem, the American bombing of Japanese Cities of Hiroshima and Nagasaki as a retaliation to the Japanese bombing American Naval Base of Pearl Harbor was in no way a good thing to do. Judging by the number of casualties, the ratio wasn't even. But as John Lily said, all is fair in love and war.
I bet a thousand and one statesmen praised the action saying: "The end justifies the means"
We're living in a society where the desire to fit in is so dangerous that peer pressure causes youths to do innumerable outrageous things. Even older people are not left out. When you ask them why they do all the things they do, they reply with "The end justifies the means" And yes. Society has normalized doing whatever it takes if it makes you successful at the end. So, to hell with scruples. We don't need them anyway.
The expression means that if a goal is morally important enough, any method of getting it is acceptable. It's one of these philosophies that believe in the lesser evil. If I have to decimate a village to save a country, then it's totally worth it. But do ends really justify means?
I don't know if it's flawed but I think the average opinion on people's success in life is most usually money. Some may say happiness, but deep within them, they know that it's money that drives them. It's the only thing that makes a man sleep at night wearisome. We all want to have that money to be able to solve most, if not all of out problems. People have gone ahead to say that: "Money doesn't buy happiness. But I have ever seen somebody sad in a Private Jet or a Lamborghini." A sarcastic way of telling you to stop believing in fairy tales.
In subscribing to this Machiavellian philosophy, we attest to being partisans or supporters of prostitution, abortion, robbery, etc Because what else are these people trying to do but to survive? The world is a cruel place and most at times, you need to take up the role of the predator in order to not be the prey. So by doing these little evils, or what society considers as evils in order to attain a greater height tomorrow, I am fighting a pseudo just fight. What else is there to say? Maybe embezzlers and occultists fall in this pit too. After all, they're only trying to survive and the end result is what justifies their methods, be they unscrupulous or not.
There's this saying that has always made me chuckle: "What shall it profit a man if he gains the whole world and loses his soul?" Chuckle why? Because according to earthly standards, what's better than gaining the whole world? I've seen people lose family and friends on their way to success. I've seen people who've gone as far as losing themselves. But let's be careful not to lose everything before attaining that success. Because in the end, we might curse the means that took us to the end, a lonely end.