Man like Adam
I am a man like Adam
Born on a Tuesday night when the crickets stayed still
in honour of my mother’s screams
And the night bore a starless sky because their kin had been born.
Because I am a man like Adam,
I often get fooled by my woman’s caprices
That often turn into treacherous vices.
I am a man, but unlike Adam,
I have a belly button and I toil
the scorching sun in retribution for his sins
I’d love to think I’m innocent but
I constantly sin in words,
actions, thoughts and inactions.
So even though I am a man like Adam,
I am of his kin -
The apple doesn’t fall far from the tree.
I am a man like Adam,
For my well-being, I need to speak of my woes.
“Embrace your masculinity” they say
but that’s the weakest I’ve ever felt.
Yes, I am a man like Adam.
I will crumble into a thousand pieces,
but go about with a smile and say
“It’s fine — I’’m fine. How can I help?”
If you’re a man like me and Adam,
you know how that story goes —
That bitch ate the apple
Or did she?
the CELEBRITY poet x the KING of Nerds