May Diary
Daily Diary 01
Dear Diary,
Yesterday I did the most audacious thing I’ve done all year — I applied for a job I’m not even remotely qualified for and I don’t care if I’m called in for an interview or not. Just the mere thought of giving it a try has been putting smiles on my face all day.
And it’s May and I’m going to blossom like the sunflower no matter the weather. There’s a Mayflower coming through for me and I am drinking this juice of optimism that has taken over my life. Happy that I’m no longer very pessimistic about it all and that though there may be tough days, I am learning to live them out.
I’m grateful for life. Remorseful for all that was and that is not and for all that could’ve been. Still won’t complain. I’m taking everyday with much more gratitude than complaint.
It’s May, so let there be joy if there may.
We have good days and bad days;
Good press, much praise, sadness.
Some days, joy doesn’t come in the morning
But we won’t keep on waiting.
So if the night persists
We knock on joy’s door and insist
We are not some broken pieces to dismiss
We are all that was and all that is.