May Diary
Daily Diary 03
Dear Diary,
Isn’t it ironical that we soon ghost the people we thought we’d spend the rest of our lives with? We stop talking to them, ghost them, block them and even start hating them. But in all of this, there is a big part of us that is just sorry and frustrated at the turn of events.
And those we don’t even like or want, we keep their contacts and sometimes talk with them as if they matter. Isn’t it strange that the friends we have now might not even be the friends we have when we marry and settle down? And yet, the one person who would’ve made it till the actual end, we soon discard of them and say “You shouldn’t keep contacts Witt your exes” and even though we know that they’re the missing pieces of our various puzzles.
And while we think we are busy taming one problem, others pop up all over like tiny hydra heads. So there isn’t really any time to relax — maybe time to strategize, but no time to be lax.
So when the children of the future come asking
“How was it in the beginning?”
We’d have nothing to say because we didn’t witness the starting
And we sure won’t witness the ending.