Not your Brother!
One of the biggest word misuses we have today is the word "Bro". In the past, words like Dude, Pal, could be used. What's sickening nowadays is how even the ladies tend to call us "Bro" How it sucks to have just anyone call you that. Growing up in a typical African setting, "Bro" was the Prefix affixed to the names of our elder brothers. Or we just said "Bro" for short. As a rebellious one that I've always been, I didn't find and have never found the necessity to call my family member Bro or Sis. Sounds kind of boring don't you think?
A Bro is a short form for the word brother which is a son or a daughter of one's parent. But the word has mostly been americanized to mean a male friend who's close to you. Others have even vulgarized the word to any Tom, Dick and Harry they come across. Imagine a total stranger addressing me as Bro. The guts of that.
I have this friend that over our 6 years of friendship he just recently started calling me Bro. It means he recently just found me worthy of that title. He just found out that I could be his bro. And the day he called me Bro for the first time, I won't lie because I'm an emotional being, I was greatly moved. It was good to leave form being a mere friend to becoming a brother. That was awesome.
When I come across total strangers either on the streets or online who call me Bro, I feel greatly disturbed. Why has the word been so Mich vulgarized? "Bro" has become to men as "Dear" is to women. Everyone to these two had suddenly become a "Bro" or a "Dear" but you only know who your real "Bros" are when you're down and need some real support. Then you realize that the cheers of "Brodom" were nothing but façades.
What annoys me the most in these appellations is the fact that ladies have tended to call is "Bro" too. Because EOF he advent of the 101 zones ranging from friend through bro and right up to dad zones, one is forced to believe that calling a male friend a "Bro" is a polite way of saying "Back off! I'm not interested." But o don't appreciate anybody calling me Bro unless you're actually my sister or brother or a friend turned brother.
My advice is for you to stop calling random strangers endearment names. And what happened to proper names? My mame is Conrad. And if we're not closely related or into some amazing relationship of some sort, please refrain from calling me all these names like dear, Bro et al. And nothing annoys a boy more than a girl he's interested in calling him Bro. Even if he's not interested, it shouldn't happen.